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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tele/Video Consultation

Time keeps ticking on, there is no timeout,
You either adjust or prepare to be left out;
Requirements don't change, they rapidly rearrange,
You adapt, you learn and increase your range.

The lock down has brought us into a peculiar phase,
where we keep on living hidden, locked and safe;
sometimes though there are problems we face,
that may unfortunately be an important medical case.

Some clinics may be open, the doctors being heroic,
They may be willing to serve, unafraid and stoic;
but patients are often unable to come out of their homes,
that's where technology comes in with the help of our phones.

Tele-consulting and video calling are now the new norm,
It works for most cases and at worst causes no harm;
At best it will cure you with surprisingly little fuss,
Even if it doesn't completely work, please don't cuss!

It will ease your symptoms for sure, at the very least,
It will make you feel better and put your mind at ease;
It let's your doctor keep a check on your progress,
It's the way forward in these times of social distancing mess.

It's important to know exactly what and how much to say,
Keep your words crisp, precise and to the point if you may;
Time is limited, remember, don't waste it away by babbling,
Allow the doctor to speak more and hear what he advising!

Follow instructions to the T, don't try and experiment,
Take medication as prescribed, don't be over intelligent;
Complete the course of medication for how many ever days,
Don't stop if you feel better, no matter what the neighbours say!

Sure, we can't examine you via the world wide webs interface,
but we can see, observe and analyse the look on your face; 
Sure we can't touch you to know exactly where it pains,
but we can hear you and figure out what would lead to most gains.

Last but not the least, remember to have lots of patience,
These are imperfect situations with imperfect mechanizations, 
Make sure to have a really strong internet connection service,
Disconnections may occur, voices may disappear, 
we may not be seen but will always be at your service!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you should pen down together into one book.👌👌👌

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