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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Death in lockdown

Dealing with death is one of the hardest things to do,
Young or old, rich or poor, him or her, me or you,
We all are affected equally you see, it doesn't discriminate,
It doesn't see the time or situation, it just doesn't wait!

On a regular basis, we somehow find a way to cope,
With friends and family, there's always someone to give hope;
but how, just how can you deal with it during these times,
when the world is on lockdown and dying seems a crime!

There is but one person allowed to accompany the dead,
The ambulance drivers and helpers filled with dread;
Was it the big bad scary virus that did the person in?
Was this a way for repenting for all their sins?

What if it was just an existing disease that ran its course?
What if it was those sudden things coming down with force?
All you want is for the dead to pass on towards heaven in peace,
All you need is some support, a certificate and some ease!

Before you go getting all depressed about what happened,
Spare a thought for those passing on for a minute;
Do you think they are sad if they know they're about to go,
Or just relieved that their long life has finally played out just so.

With young deaths, I can understand the feeling of confusion,
We run around seeking a reason for what seems a delusion;
The fact that we are in the state we are makes it worse,
People eyeing you with suspicion, weary eyes and what seems a curse!

It could be more difficult for those in the public eyes,
to have some dignity when one of those famous dies;
Everyone starts bringing up the reasons for the demise,
justifications, deliberations, judgements and words from the wise.

If only he did this, if only she did that, if they didn't listen or do,
The rumour mills start working overtime like feeding at a zoo;
At times like these, we require some faith and kindness,
but all we get from the public is apathetic blindness!

If you've the misfortune of dealing with someone dying or close to it,
turn it on its heels and use all your courage, strength and wit;
Make the most of the time you have at home with the ones you love,
You never know when they will get the call from above!

Spend quality time, enjoy each others company and trials,
Work out your problems, forget the past and look forward to the smiles;
Each minute is precious when you don't know when you might go,
Make every second count, stay positive and never give up hope!

If it does actually happen, try and change the way it always is,
Celebrate the joyous life that was, instead of the death that you diss;
Raise a toast to the departed and take solace in the fact that no matter what happens you are never alone, 
your real friends will somehow always find a way to reach you via a message, a chat, video call or the phone!   


Unknown said...

Absolutely fantastic Dj.
You Truely are a brilliant writer and have picked every philosophical angle of life.
Everyone can correlate with the hard put facts you placed.
Simply brilliant.
One thing which is common in all of us humans....that's emotions.
And you have painted them well.

Unknown said...

Beautiful ❤️

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Dj you are great writer
Nice blogger
I read your blogs

Unknown said...

So true

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