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Monday, April 20, 2020

It isn't over yet!

We're flocking the streets, feeling free from the web spun,
The 20th has come and some movements have been begun;
This was supposed to be for essentials and a few things more,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

They made an announcement that they would relax the restrictions,
they said it's time to restart the economy and they made selections,
on who would be allowed to re-enter the streets and floors,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

Trucks can be seen moving, goods are being transported,
We're excited because our fav. ice cream and chips will be sorted;
Couriers are about to start, e-portals will deliver things for us to hoard,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

All non essential things are labelled such because they are,
we can survive a few more days if we've come this far;
Is it so necessary to get that gourmet biscuit or cake of yore,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

We're made to feel we can now order what we want and need,
We've been told that we can now go out and get on our feet;
All are restarting; Amazon, flipkart, big basket, myntra and more,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

 You may think it's alright to go back into your fitness routine,
Jog a bit, run around, take some fresh air and breathe in the scene,
Exercise those muscles, tighten those calves, biceps, abs and your core,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

Visit your favourite cousin or your best friends for a drink or coffee,
Beat the boredom, meet up for some games and some tea,
Do anything, do something, it's relaxed, let's get rid of the bore,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

The danger remains, it's just that they're now better prepared,
they're willing to let you get infected for the better good to be fared;
They need herd immunity for this menace to get out of our doors,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

A few more days of caution is all that it will take,
don't be in a hurry and make a common mistake;
It's almost over I promise but just not yet, only some more,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

This is going to be the toughest of all the days to endure,
because the finish line is so close, the end so near;
it's natural to want to go and break free from the prison and gore,
but it isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

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