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Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy Birthday To You!

The day you were born was a time of great joy and fun,
to your family, your friends and your sibling and  everyone;
You celebrate it each year with enthusiasm and aplomb,
Who knew this year it would be interrupted by this bomb?

Yet, the month will remain the same as will the date,
you could regret the fact, you could look at it with hate;
The time is such that you wouldn't be the one to blame,
if you resent the fact that this is when your birthday actually came.

The only way to move forward is with extreme positivity,
To celebrate as well as you can with as much levity,
Feel good about you very special day and enjoy as much as you can,
There will be no real party, but don't let that stop you making a plan!

There may not be friends you can hug you today,
There may not be dancing with music to sway;
There still is a virtual chatroom with all your friends waiting,
To wish you the best ever happy birthday greeting!

Let's not forget the much awaited very special event,
Where you blow the candle and cut that lovely cake,
Sure it won't be the same as before, but don't repent,
There are many ways to make it special without being fake!

Go up to your terrace and wait for the moonlight,
To shine upon you and your celebration so bright,
Enjoy the soft cool breeze that sings the birthday song to you,
And cherish the embrace that your special one gives you so tight!

Feel blessed that you have much more than so many others,
Stay safe, stay indoors and make sure your resolve doesn't either,
Make a wish not upon the candle but upon a star,
And feel immensely happy about who and what you are!!

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