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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Follow up of the Condyloma Accuminata

In continuation with my previous post about the giant anal wart that turned out to be cancerous, this is the same patient after 10 days follow up post surgery.

In case you are wondering what it looked like before the surgery, you can check out the photo here or go through my last post Giant Condyloma Accuminata!

That is a pretty descent job if I may say so myself. The only thing is to now, somehow, convince him that radiation is absolutely necessary for complete cure of the carcinoma. He is quite reluctant though. Also, e had about 50 smaller finger sized warts on his bodice and neck and face which he now wanted removed because he was afraid he would get cancer in them too. Took about 1 hour but we got them all!!

He's about ready to go home in a week or so to consider radiotherapy.
Until I hear more from him....


rlbates said...

Nice work. Hope he'll go for the radiation.

Techknowdoc said...

Hey Ramona,
Thanks. I hope so too.
At least he has agreed to see the radiation oncologist today.

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