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Monday, January 02, 2023

Working with 2023

 The year has gone it was really good,

We were fortunate to receive money and food

We worked hard and even had time to play

Now is the time for thanks to say!

Remember well, as we go off into 2023,

Treat all your patients and charge them a fee

No one should be able to point a finger,

And tell you that your treatment let the illness linger!

No more favours and friend and relative benefits,

Selfish motives should currently be a hit,

Because no one is going to give a second thought to us

Medico legally they're all ready to throw us under a bus!

Do your job, do it well, speak less to the point and be curt,

Don't give extra advice, nor worry about them being hurt;

It will take them less than a second to turn to another

So, why oh why should we be cannon fodder!

Family first, fitness second, health will come, keep work for last

There is no need to get rich and famous fast

When it all ends, it won't matter how much or where

Its only family and friends that will be there!

1 comment:

Hygeia Online doctor said...

This article on medication-assisted treatment (MAT) provides valuable insights into what patients can expect when seeking treatment for substance use disorders. As the article highlights, MAT involves the use of medication in combination with therapy and support to help patients achieve and maintain sobriety.

What I appreciated about this article was the emphasis on the importance of individualized treatment plans that take into account each patient's unique needs and circumstances. It is encouraging to see that MAT programs aim to provide holistic, patient-centered care that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

I also appreciated the discussion of the different types of medication used in MAT and their respective benefits and risks. This information can help patients make informed decisions about their treatment options and feel more empowered in their recovery journey.

Overall, this article serves as a helpful resource for anyone considering MAT as a treatment option for substance use disorders. It is important for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the general public to recognize the efficacy of MAT and to support its integration into mainstream addiction treatment programs. Thank you, Medical Island, for providing valuable information and raising awareness about this important issue.

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