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Friday, May 21, 2021

Is this Balance?

You would need to completely open up your minds to reading this one. If you feel you can’t, please stop right here, scroll to the bottom, hit like and share and move on. However, if you feel like you have some time (in this lockdown, what else do we have) or if you feel like you are capable of thinking beyond the ordinary, read on.

I am a man of science who thinks everything must have some logic and reason and don’t give too much into miracles and fate. I do believe in a higher power, but I’m not the kind to spend hours and lifetimes appeasing statues that are called God! I believe in faith but perhaps not so much in religion. I do believe, however, in the fact that we perhaps know much less than we give ourselves credit for. There are a lot of unexplored and undiscovered truths out there that continue to be labelled fiction just because we haven’t seen or experienced it yet. There are certainly things that happen that we don’t understand that are far too easily categorised into alien activity, miracles, tricks, magic, imagination, ghosts, paranormal activity and what have you.


Heavy enough for you yet! It gets better, I promise.


Let’s start off this passage with the assumption that we’re all living in an experiment that has gone horribly wrong (or perhaps out of control). This would have to start way back from before Darwin peed in his diapers! Dinosaurs – there’s a good place to start. Is it? Let’s push way back. Polar ice caps? The big bang? This is how limited we are in our knowledge. We just think we know but do we really? Wait, I’m going off track. Back to the beginning of the experiment.


Assume that we started off as single cell organisms (that’s what science would have us believe). Evolution happened and we grew a pair (pun intended). Multi-cellular beings with hyphae, antennae, digits, a spine, neurons firing in all directions, a brain to control it all and the power to kill. Oohhh, maybe we stole that one from the BFG. Animals, fish, birds, quadrupeds, bipeds, apes, humans!




Let’s knit that all together now otherwise this could be as long as a book. Assume that we were all meant to be in balance with half of the good things on one side and half of the bad on the other. Wait, who decided what is good and bad. Anyway, let’s just divvy it up and move forward. Food chains – there is a balance that we can understand. Biggest eats smaller eats smaller eats smallest who eats energy from plants! (Thank you 5th standard children that we were forced to teach at home).


Let’s assume that the person conducting this experiment gets bored every few years and wants a reset. This person then decides to shake up the game board and see who survive so we can play more. Perhaps this could explain the constant wipe-outs every few hundred years.  Wait, how would they get new players? That’s why they made us stupid. They gave us libido so we provide them with a constant supply of stupid. The need to procreate is the single biggest fault line in this game! When you have nothing to do, create! So, that’s what the powers that be must have done as well (we are all created in HIS image remember).


Did I lose track again? This is so fascinating! Right, we wipe out half the Earth and reset. The ice age, the dinosaurs, the tigers, the fish, the turtles, the pangolins and us humans. We feel that we have no right to die early, but we are stupid remember. We’re just pawns in this game (we even gave ourselves the name, pawns...who does that?)


So, if we assume that we are merely here to maintain a balance and if we really, really open our minds to it, would we still be surprised? Every few decades, since humans thought we took over the Earth, we have been systematically culled and wiped off and yet we insist on creating more and more of ourselves to deplete already depleting resources. They try to wipe us out with disease and we insist on finding cures or vaccines. If that doesn’t work, they give us greed to start wars. That almost worked until the last one but perhaps third time lucky? Then, we get new diseases and we make new treatments and vaccines only delaying the inevitable. Then come the natural disasters. We get earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones with weird names, volcanoes erupting, fires all over the place, landslides, floods and many more. We just keep coming up with ways to survive!


We think we will survive but if the balance has to be maintained, they will get us. We could beat a disease and walk out of the hospital only to be crashed into by an ambulance. Ironic! (the singer got it right) Try and defeat a pandemic by locking down and we get earthquakes breaking our homes and cyclones dropping trees on us. If we get enough vaccines, we will get reactions and side effects. If we survive this pandemic, religious wars will get enough of us. If we are to survive all of this, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about WWIII or perhaps another drought or famine to wipe out a significant mass of people. 

Anyway you look at it, it’s time we accept that our board game can only handle so many pieces and the rest are going to fall off. Make the most of your time here, stop hoarding things that will only get destroyed by natural disasters or remain unused once we leave the realm. Hug your loved ones often, kiss your children, smile at strangers, be kind to animals, empathize with those that are suffering and sympathize with those that just don’t get it!!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant doc.... So connected to my line of thoughts...
It's like what I'm thinking you have put into words.... Love it.- AA

Indu Sangwan said...

Amazing article....

Indu Sangwan said...

Amazing article....

Dr. Vishnu said...

Merry go round ...what goes up has to come down ....Super natural powers- God - maintains Ecological balance ....HE is the creator / destroyer ...we r all jokers here playing to his tune ....Article worth reading and thought pondering...Love ...

Mel said...

As always beautifully written doc

Mel said...

As always beautifully written doc

Mohteshim Ahmed Khan said...

Diverse thought, however very apt.

renji said...

Absolutely..make most of your time here. Well written

Radhika Jesrani said...

A unique perspective Doc! πŸ‘πŸ» Was a good read and a great way to look beyond our limited selves!

Amisha Bhinde Nair said...

Great read Dr. D! Insightful..

Amisha Bhinde Nair said...

Great read Dr. D! Insightful...

Krish said...

This is sooo amazing wow !! I literally had the entire thing play as an animation in my head as I read further

Prashant.Asrani said...

That was Awesome Dr.

Unknown said...

Awesome article.....u r right! Well written as well

Anonymous said...

Very interesting would read it over and over again. An eye opener to what's life.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article - an eye opener to what life is.

Unknown said...


Firuzi Mehta said...

That was one heck of a good read! So true.
Thanks. Keep them coming.

Unknown said...

Very interesting article.
Hearty congrats.
CHANDRU Thadani, 27A Sagar Sangeet

Beagles and more said...

So true. It has been happening since time immemorial. We chose not to remember n think it can't happen to us. Very well written πŸ‘Œ

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