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Thursday, October 08, 2015

Want to vent out at hospitals. This is better than violence!

The entire medical fraternity has their knickers in a bunch over the repeated violent attacks on resident Doctors. My previous post on Hiring Bouncers for Hospitals didn't go down well with a few of my colleagues.

What do we politically correct Indian's do when faced with controversial content. We pacify all groups! 

So, for all those who feel it just isn't their is a way to deal with your frustration with the Indian medical scenario. 

Make a difference.

I've started a small project which aims to rate hospitals based on actual user experience and offer a chance to review experiences in Hospitals for people who are interested in helping others make a better choice.

The next time you feel undone by a hospital, feel the need to ask for a suggestion book or a complaints register or simply want to congratulate the hospital for a job done well, log in to the web, click on the link below and spend 3 minutes of your time enlightening others.

Rate and Review Here

It's completely voluntary, will be acted upon, offers you a chance to vent against or support the hospital and it's doctors and staff and keeps the peace.

If you've been to a hospital, whether for yourself or with a relative, been admitted, operated upon or just went to visit someone in one of them, you would have an opinion about it. Share your experience and let others know what is good and what isn't. More importantly, let the hospitals know what they are doing wrong. You will be surprised at the difference you are able to make.

Here's hoping you fill the form out as many times as possible listing all your experiences at all the hospitals you've ever visited. Spread the word, share the link. I need a substantial number for my project to be complete and I can't do it without you, can I?

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