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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Death in lockdown

Dealing with death is one of the hardest things to do,
Young or old, rich or poor, him or her, me or you,
We all are affected equally you see, it doesn't discriminate,
It doesn't see the time or situation, it just doesn't wait!

On a regular basis, we somehow find a way to cope,
With friends and family, there's always someone to give hope;
but how, just how can you deal with it during these times,
when the world is on lockdown and dying seems a crime!

There is but one person allowed to accompany the dead,
The ambulance drivers and helpers filled with dread;
Was it the big bad scary virus that did the person in?
Was this a way for repenting for all their sins?

What if it was just an existing disease that ran its course?
What if it was those sudden things coming down with force?
All you want is for the dead to pass on towards heaven in peace,
All you need is some support, a certificate and some ease!

Before you go getting all depressed about what happened,
Spare a thought for those passing on for a minute;
Do you think they are sad if they know they're about to go,
Or just relieved that their long life has finally played out just so.

With young deaths, I can understand the feeling of confusion,
We run around seeking a reason for what seems a delusion;
The fact that we are in the state we are makes it worse,
People eyeing you with suspicion, weary eyes and what seems a curse!

It could be more difficult for those in the public eyes,
to have some dignity when one of those famous dies;
Everyone starts bringing up the reasons for the demise,
justifications, deliberations, judgements and words from the wise.

If only he did this, if only she did that, if they didn't listen or do,
The rumour mills start working overtime like feeding at a zoo;
At times like these, we require some faith and kindness,
but all we get from the public is apathetic blindness!

If you've the misfortune of dealing with someone dying or close to it,
turn it on its heels and use all your courage, strength and wit;
Make the most of the time you have at home with the ones you love,
You never know when they will get the call from above!

Spend quality time, enjoy each others company and trials,
Work out your problems, forget the past and look forward to the smiles;
Each minute is precious when you don't know when you might go,
Make every second count, stay positive and never give up hope!

If it does actually happen, try and change the way it always is,
Celebrate the joyous life that was, instead of the death that you diss;
Raise a toast to the departed and take solace in the fact that no matter what happens you are never alone, 
your real friends will somehow always find a way to reach you via a message, a chat, video call or the phone!   

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Prepare to return

All good things must come to an end, wise men say,
To this I add, all bad thing end sooner or later too;
and when that fortunate time does come when it may,
It's time to be prepared and plan what we will need to do.

Another brilliant saying is "Failing to plan is planning to fail",
To this I add, there can be nothing without a plan;
When the plan is put into motion, everything sails,
and all difficulties are pulled off with ease and elan.

Quite soon we'll be in a position where we have to move on,
Restart our businesses, shops, offices, clinics and factories; 
We will come out of this storm, stronger, tougher, reborn,
We will reunite, reform, recall and rewrite histories.

It may look bleak but there is so much we can do for now,
Think about what we will need to restart and how;
Buy essentials for your staff and workers, make them smile,
protect them from the danger that still exists for a mile.

Keep the sanitizers ready and restock them regularly,
Make sure hands are washed and masks work diligently;
Restrict visitors to only those essential for your work,
Keep hours short and make sure people don't lurk.

Educate everyone involved that the resurgence be a while,
Adjust priorities, be empathetic towards problems and try to smile;
Work together with limited resources as best you can,
"This too shall pass", was rightly said by a famous man.

It may seem difficult, nigh impossible, but it has to done,
Set your mind and decide that this struggle must be won!
If you feel your spirit shake and doubts begin to creep,
Just take a breather, relax, reignite after a good nights sleep.

Monday, April 20, 2020

It isn't over yet!

We're flocking the streets, feeling free from the web spun,
The 20th has come and some movements have been begun;
This was supposed to be for essentials and a few things more,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

They made an announcement that they would relax the restrictions,
they said it's time to restart the economy and they made selections,
on who would be allowed to re-enter the streets and floors,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

Trucks can be seen moving, goods are being transported,
We're excited because our fav. ice cream and chips will be sorted;
Couriers are about to start, e-portals will deliver things for us to hoard,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

All non essential things are labelled such because they are,
we can survive a few more days if we've come this far;
Is it so necessary to get that gourmet biscuit or cake of yore,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

We're made to feel we can now order what we want and need,
We've been told that we can now go out and get on our feet;
All are restarting; Amazon, flipkart, big basket, myntra and more,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

 You may think it's alright to go back into your fitness routine,
Jog a bit, run around, take some fresh air and breathe in the scene,
Exercise those muscles, tighten those calves, biceps, abs and your core,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

Visit your favourite cousin or your best friends for a drink or coffee,
Beat the boredom, meet up for some games and some tea,
Do anything, do something, it's relaxed, let's get rid of the bore,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

The danger remains, it's just that they're now better prepared,
they're willing to let you get infected for the better good to be fared;
They need herd immunity for this menace to get out of our doors,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

A few more days of caution is all that it will take,
don't be in a hurry and make a common mistake;
It's almost over I promise but just not yet, only some more,
It isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

This is going to be the toughest of all the days to endure,
because the finish line is so close, the end so near;
it's natural to want to go and break free from the prison and gore,
but it isn't over yet, my friends, please stay indoors!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Number One.

Each and every one of us, has a story to tell about school,
Most of the times it will be, about how this teacher was so cool;
The memories that last us a lifetime, are strong and very true,
a favourite teacher is almost always at the centre of this brew!

With such good fortune and blessings, we lucked out with division A,
Where the most fascinating personality, became our teacher to stay;
With stories wide and far, we started the year with much anticipation,
now the year has come to an end, we all stand in awe and captivation.

It wasn't only our kids who learnt the meaning of hard work and discipline,
Us parents were made to work, projects, art, craft and compete to win;
At first, to be honest, we all wondered why we were being tortured,
but as the year went on, we realised that we were being honoured.

To be taught new things at this age, is indeed a rare feeling ,
All our old knowledge was refreshed, with all the layers peeling;
We finally understood the methods and the techniques you were using,
We eventually came to the conclusion that we were actually gaining.

The kids were dealt with strictly if required, along with being showered with love,
They were made to pull up their socks, in places they could soar above;
Life skills were imparted to them all, something that we ourselves should have done,
you made the most mundane tasks appear easy to do and fun!

Our children transformed into responsible beings, almost overnight, I think,
Your tips and tricks, your instructions so crisp, made everything link; 
We found out how different our children can be, at school and at home,
Your feedback for each and every student, was on point in monochrome!

Your gargantuan efforts to individually acknowledge every single child,
made us see just how much time and care you put in all the while;
From the time of sunset late in the evening to the next morning's rising sun,
You worked hard for us, dear miss, and for that our hearts you have won!

When you came for the football finals match, we were all blown away,
and no matter how many words I write, there is nothing that can say,
how very grateful and thankful we all are for all that you have done,
Ms. Ruth Fernandes, for this class and it's parents you will always be number one!!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy Birthday To You!

The day you were born was a time of great joy and fun,
to your family, your friends and your sibling and  everyone;
You celebrate it each year with enthusiasm and aplomb,
Who knew this year it would be interrupted by this bomb?

Yet, the month will remain the same as will the date,
you could regret the fact, you could look at it with hate;
The time is such that you wouldn't be the one to blame,
if you resent the fact that this is when your birthday actually came.

The only way to move forward is with extreme positivity,
To celebrate as well as you can with as much levity,
Feel good about you very special day and enjoy as much as you can,
There will be no real party, but don't let that stop you making a plan!

There may not be friends you can hug you today,
There may not be dancing with music to sway;
There still is a virtual chatroom with all your friends waiting,
To wish you the best ever happy birthday greeting!

Let's not forget the much awaited very special event,
Where you blow the candle and cut that lovely cake,
Sure it won't be the same as before, but don't repent,
There are many ways to make it special without being fake!

Go up to your terrace and wait for the moonlight,
To shine upon you and your celebration so bright,
Enjoy the soft cool breeze that sings the birthday song to you,
And cherish the embrace that your special one gives you so tight!

Feel blessed that you have much more than so many others,
Stay safe, stay indoors and make sure your resolve doesn't either,
Make a wish not upon the candle but upon a star,
And feel immensely happy about who and what you are!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tele/Video Consultation

Time keeps ticking on, there is no timeout,
You either adjust or prepare to be left out;
Requirements don't change, they rapidly rearrange,
You adapt, you learn and increase your range.

The lock down has brought us into a peculiar phase,
where we keep on living hidden, locked and safe;
sometimes though there are problems we face,
that may unfortunately be an important medical case.

Some clinics may be open, the doctors being heroic,
They may be willing to serve, unafraid and stoic;
but patients are often unable to come out of their homes,
that's where technology comes in with the help of our phones.

Tele-consulting and video calling are now the new norm,
It works for most cases and at worst causes no harm;
At best it will cure you with surprisingly little fuss,
Even if it doesn't completely work, please don't cuss!

It will ease your symptoms for sure, at the very least,
It will make you feel better and put your mind at ease;
It let's your doctor keep a check on your progress,
It's the way forward in these times of social distancing mess.

It's important to know exactly what and how much to say,
Keep your words crisp, precise and to the point if you may;
Time is limited, remember, don't waste it away by babbling,
Allow the doctor to speak more and hear what he advising!

Follow instructions to the T, don't try and experiment,
Take medication as prescribed, don't be over intelligent;
Complete the course of medication for how many ever days,
Don't stop if you feel better, no matter what the neighbours say!

Sure, we can't examine you via the world wide webs interface,
but we can see, observe and analyse the look on your face; 
Sure we can't touch you to know exactly where it pains,
but we can hear you and figure out what would lead to most gains.

Last but not the least, remember to have lots of patience,
These are imperfect situations with imperfect mechanizations, 
Make sure to have a really strong internet connection service,
Disconnections may occur, voices may disappear, 
we may not be seen but will always be at your service!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Online classroom

Wake up, wake up, it's time for school,
Open your eyes, brush and sit on a stool;
Throw on a clean t-shirt and wear your glasses,
it's time for your schools online classes!

What time is it, weary eyes and sleepy voices ask,
You knew waking them up was going to be a task;
"Go to bed early, on a holiday, no way José,
Wake up to study, you must be kidding, go away!"

The teacher logs in, zoom servers are loaded,
The kids are screaming with the energy they've hoarded;
The dog's barking excitedly in the background,
The sibling's dancing naked like a wild wolfhound!

The parents are anxious, they can barely understand,
what the teacher is speaking or why the kid wants to stand;
the damn internet is unstable and you get disconnected,
It's true about the internet, Ralph's wrecked it!

We're back up and the lesson is almost done,
the kid is all smiles because now it's time for fun;
The mothers are going crazy with Whatsapp clarifications,
The fathers are still exercising and clearing constipations!

The next class is almost upon you, what do you do,
The kid decides this is the perfect time to go poo;
you log in helplessly trying to figure stuff out,
the water starts flowing from the bathroom spout!

"I'm having a bath, just like you asked me to"
What a great time to listen to us, say me and you;
The kid comes out all fresh and smelling rosy,
and gives you the best hug to make you feel cosy.

All the worry should disappear, all the anger should be gone,
You realize your little one can play you like a pawn;
and you wouldn't want it any other way, not really,
but it's time for work and you have to remain steely!

You'll figure out the work that needs to be done,
you'll see to it that this fight will still be won;
You'll work it out somehow like you always do,
Just remember to flush down that kid's lil poo! 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Silver Lining

Remember world war one,we studied it in school
Everyone thought that was it, mankind was doomed;
but we arose from the ashes of the tanks and the guns,
How lucky we were, to get our race up again to run.

We promised it would never happen again, but it did,
One Aryan man decided he needed to be all sordid;
We almost wiped out the world's entire population,
How lucky we were to have our resolve for emancipation.

Just when we thought we were done, out came the pox,
Over 300 million deaths, we were forced to think out of the box;
A vaccine was developed and we could see the light,
How lucky we were to be saved from our plight.

Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV and many more continue to rise,
We sit with our petty differences and consider ourselves wise;
We're constantly under threat from natural disasters too
How lucky are we to be together, me and you!

We take so much for granted, we forget to see,
We're the luckiest damn people, you and me;
We have each other, we have our families, our love,
How lucky are we, to be with our treasure trove!

There are some aged parents who are living alone,
Their only contact with family is a phone;
they too have peace of mind, full control and space,
How lucky are they to have their own place!

There are those with huge families, cousins and all
Who live through each day with people to break the fall;
They may seem crowded, but they have so many that care
How lucky they all are to have feelings to bare!

Then there are those with small families of two
Either themselves or with kids that also number few
A cosy close knit family who protect each other
How lucky they are to have a mother and brother.

We have tech to support us while we are locked in our homes
We have zoom and video calls and friends that in our heart roam;
We have teachers to teach our kids and engage them to learn,
How lucky we are to have each other in times to burn.

Here we all are with seemingly endless time,
To write our feelings our in series of rhyme,
I personally am grateful for things I can see for miles,
How lucky I am for you to read my words and smile!

The days may seem dark and the time creeping slowly
We must stay positive to avoid feeling lonely;
Keep enjoying our time and keep our spirits climbing
Remember every dark cloud has a silver lining!

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Internet!

The magic of something lie within it's mystery,
the joy of discovery, the wonder and history,
and when it becomes commonplace, easy and effortless,
It's no longer magic but something in excess.

There was a time not too long ago,
When the 14.4 pings were the way to go
and 28.8 was somewhat a luxury to have,
leased lines were only for corporate pads.

Then slowly but surely it crept it's way inside
our lives seem incomplete without it by our side,
Always connected has become the necessary norm,
As zoom classes seem to control all our morns.

There is no need for that pesky cable operator,
ruling the roost with his channels expensive and few;
Streaming is the new common denominator,
with everything available that is always new!

Broadband is the new minimum standard for the day,
The damn pesky internet is here to stay;
the best evidence that it is a source of addiction,
lies in the fact that we all need detox from this fiction.

Now, fibre is starting to raise its plentiful head,
Not sure if we should gleefully rejoice or worryingly dread;
It's seeping into our being, into our very veins like a drug,
It may be necessary but after a point it's just a bug.

Yes, the information we receive is important, even though limitless,
No, we can't rely on most of it, so God bless;
Yes, it helps us keep in touch with the ones we love for free,
No, we don't have to post our lives for everyone to see!

Like anything, too much of a good thing turns bad,
make no mistake about it, for the internet we're glad!
Use it wisely and it's worth a handsome penny, I think
Misuse it and all the advantage goes down the sink!

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Nature's balance

Is it true that we are the one's that belong?
Is it true that we are always on song?
Is it true that matter and energy is finite?
Is it true that we're here only because of our might?

Could it be that we are but one of a whole?
Could it be that we are a medium for a soul?
Could it be that we ourselves are hunted?
Could it be that our time may be stunted?

Maybe it's a fact that we live in a balance,
maybe it's a fact that our existence is a happenstance,
maybe it's a fact that if we kill we could die too,
maybe it's a fact that others are now fighting through.

Perhaps reality is but a pause in the fabric of time,
perhaps reality is actually not really yours and mine,
perhaps reality is a transfer of energy and plasma,
perhaps reality is bacteria, viruses, parasites and miasma.

Would it come to pass that we eventually disappear?
Would it come to pass that we'd live only in fear?
Would it come to pass that the apex predator was wrong?
Would it come to pass that nature's ringing a warning gong?

Should we start to worry and prepare for the worst?
Should we start to accept that the world's about to burst?
Should we start to formulate plans like we always do?
Should we finally realize that it's not only me and you?

Can we now give credit to the fact that there is a balance?
Can we now understand the universe's parlance?
Can we now see that it's either or and not all for our race?
Can we now adjust to life, death and matter's seismic place?

We may be destined to maintaining the status quo,
We may be the reason we've lost the extinct species so,

We may be the reason the organisms are fighting at every turn,
We may be the one's that need to be extinct for nature to return!  

Monday, April 06, 2020

"Enough is enough"

"Enough is enough" said the wizard to the virus today,
Stop making our lives a living mess from day to day;
I hereby abolish all your rights and dreams,
and sentence you to a lifetime of vaccines.

"Enough is enough" said the mother to the child,
Stop make my life a living mess all the while;
I hereby order you to finish breakfast and then play,
study all morning and stop wasting your day.

"Enough is enough" all the fathers said uninvited,
Get football back on and let's all pity Man united;
We want the pubs to be open and selling us beer,
We'll deal with the virus when it strikes have no fear!

"Enough is enough" said the teacher to the school,
how much more can I pretend classroom and zoom are cool;
The kids are fried and the kids and parents too,
On a video call they all look like they belong in a zoo.

"Enough is enough" said the hair to the head,
it's time you treat me right and shampoo me instead;
Just because you aren't going out at nights,
doesn't mean you leave me looking like a fright!

"Enough is enough" said the beard to the chin,
Not every facial hair is meant to look like Aksai Chin;
The mustache and beard are overflowing at the brim,
I'll deal with no newspapers but I need a shave and trim!

"Enough is enough" said the hair to women's legs,
We're no longer a secret, everybody around the world begs,
Where are all those hair removal creams and razors,
That come to save us when parlours aren't in favour!

"Enough is enough" screamed the lungs to the body,
Of those smokers who still don't understand the risk and folly;
The cigarette are gone, their hopes up in smoke,
Unless you have a door delivering bootlegger bespoke!

"Enough is enough" said the doctors to us all,
Stay home, it's more important that a visit to foodhall;
We'll work hard with discomfort and defeat this yet,
All we ask is you stay home so no one later regrets!

"Enough is enough" said the reader directly to me,
How much more of this bull crap do we have to see;
Stop forwarding your blog and posting it everywhere,
I'm fed up of poems and rhymes and don't care.

"Enough is enough" said I to myself and me,
Let people who want to read, stay and see;
And if they want out, it won't take a bribe,
just send me a message saying unsubscribe!

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